“哈哈哈哈!”,李思靠在窗边哈哈大笑,“李思,亏你还笑得出来啊!”,“dramatic and romantic!爽上天了吧你,不仅安然无恙,还把人给中出强奸了,估计那家伙回去,得一面生闷气一面摸逼自慰,哈哈哈!”,“……”,“欸你说,你要是再被她擒住,你割了人一个奶子,人割你一个蛋蛋,可今晚这帐该怎么算,她给你来个逆强奸?怎么想也还是她吃亏啊?”
入席后,老妇人把目光转向了我,“what''''s your relationship?”,“belqees is my…”,贝绮丝打断了我,“he''''s my only one,mother。”,“is?in my impression,i sed have seen him with a girl nd fairy in ae…”,我和贝绮丝瞬间变了脸色,老妇人扶了扶额头,“ maybe i'''' m wrong,older and older,my brain…when wedding?”
贝绮丝说话有些颤抖,“we…we are''''t ready yet,wait…wait…”,“wait what?you are''''t a kid anymore,done at once,your sisters are just right here。”,“mother!i…i don''''t want to get married now,if you want wedding,let fiona or diana,they are alsonot kids!”,听到贝绮丝暂时没结婚的打算,老妇人很不开心,从包里颤颤巍巍取出香烟,斐欧娜把烟扶到老妇人嘴里,黛安娜拿出打火机点着,老妇人敲了敲手里的拐杖,埋怨道,“what''''s the world ing to?girl don''''t long for marriage,boy love boy,it''''s worse than world war ii! ”
黛安娜把相机藏到身后,“事到如今还敢要挟我们?怎么,怕我们把照片给贝绮丝看到?”,斐欧娜也附和着,“我们是贝绮丝的家人,你背着我姐姐偷腥,是我们该找你算账!”,“那你们现在就给贝绮丝打电话,看我怕不怕,多管闲事!”,“你!…”,斐欧娜拿出手机,打开记事本,一面咕叨着一面记录着,“a shlessn of qin,deceived wn from all over the world and clad that no one could stop him…”,“你瞎写什么呢?赶紧把相片删掉,不然和你们不客气了!”,“after the man was found cheating, not only without regret,but also with the reporter''''s personal safety,he threatened…”…
僵持之下,顾兰岚来找我了,不用想也是为了李李思的事情,“好啊你,大晚上不在家,又跑到外面乱搞,她俩又是谁啊?不和你废话了,她人呢!我给足你面子了,今天你要再不说出她的下落,别说我不和你讲情分…”,兰岚的到来并没震慑住斐欧娜,斐欧娜继续读写其的‘新闻稿’,“a qin policewoman c to the scene,we found out from the conversation,she also had an improper relationship with the man,and very likely to provide protection for him,maybe that''''s why then is unscrupulous…”