我很不情愿的走上台,翻了翻自己找来伴奏乐,塞了一张进去,在囡囡一副看尽热闹的眼色中,张嘴唱了起来:here stnd bressh the strs up the sky re they shg over brenner nd upoher sde you would be sweet surrender must go the other wy nd my tr wll crry onwrd though my hert would surely sty wo my hert would surely sty now the clouds re flyg by nd the moon s the rse hve left strs behhey were dsmonds your skes you would be sweet surrender must go the other wy nd my tr wll crry onwrd though my hert would surely styhere stnd bressh the strs up the sky re they shg over brenner nd upoher sde you would be sweet surrender must go the other wy nd my tr wll crry onwrd though my hert would surely sty wo my hert would surely sty now the clouds re flyg by nd the moon s the rse hve left strs behhey were dsmonds your skes you would be sweet surrender must go the other wy nd my tr wll crry onwrd though my hert would surely sty(歌词大意:我站在布列瑟侬的星空下