“nonono,no g,you need cup of te,nd hve good sleep,”他又看向葛兰,“you?”
“how s your fther?”bner终于问?到prophet.
她咯咯笑,“oh,s old sht,trvellg the world wth buccneerg boys, nd ws volved lootg, volence.(老样子,带着帮野心勃勃的孩子环游世?界,杀人越货)
“why you e here, ’ve vted hm to us,mss cheng, you godfther decled my offer.(你为什?么来,我们邀请过你父亲,他拒绝了?)
“he lredy very ws old,”程爱粼笑得?像个得?寸进尺的狐狸,“the empre hs desgnted s hs successor.”(他已经老了?,我才是帝国?的继承人)
bner挑眉,“wo!congrtte,but sot,stble nd long—term cooperton the developnt of securty, respect for hstory.(祝贺,但有时候,时间久远的合作是一?种安全?保障,也是对历史的尊重)
程爱粼有一?搭没?一?搭地用指尖划着杯沿,她目光凝着起伏的茶包,音色缓缓放沉,“novton cn promote dvnce of hstory. nd humn novton s extrely dffcult nd therefore consdered scred the form of exstg legcy.(创新能推动?历史的前进,人类的创新往往很困难,所以才会把已有的形式视为圣的遗产)
“however,”葛兰突然高?声接口,“t the mont everythg perfect, nottg hve s not the result of nocton.”(但是,一?切完美?事物?,都是创新的结果)
“custom ssecond nture, but,mss cheng,wll sleep on t.”(习惯是第二天性?,但是,程小姐,我会考虑)bner接过助手递来的两张门卡,“the royl pcfc hotel nd towers,room no.32 nd 320, hve lovely nght!”