陈梦望着眼前的两名ICPO刑警,迟迟无法移开视线。最后是由男性刑警先开口说到:“One?of?ent,Srh who ws trg the Ghoul hd lost tct wth us few months go, ths s her st recorded ssge before she dsppered.”
“Ths s Srh, I’m currently on Ghoul’s tl nd looks lke he hsn’t relzed yet…huh? AIT! HE’S GONE!?”
“Among t’s vctms, we hve notced tht 80% of them were people tht hd crml bckgrounds nd hd prevously escped the judgent of w.Hence, we re dedug tht crmls re the ghoul’s prmry trgets.”
“Yes, we re wre of tht prtcr cse s well. Bsed on records, the ghoul wll ttck the vctm nd bystnders rndly, nd we only ssu tht the ghoul ws g on ts own hunger stct.”
“Yes, hunger stct. Bsed on the fdgs of our gtors, the ghoul would normlly behve lke norml humn beg, however there wll be ts where t wll succumb to ts predtory stcts nd ct lke vcous nml. Just lke how the lon behves round ts prey.”